BEST LIFE INspiration

A blog by Taylor Wells


Jan 31, 2024
Everything is neutral until you assign meaning to it.  Day to day there is a lot of judgment, how can you understand this judgment better?  You can always recognize what you do and don’t prefer and/but you do not need to invalidate what you don’t prefer.  You can acknowledge that you don’t prefer it from a neutral standpoint.  Usually if you are assigning some charge to it you are being triggered about something about yourself.  If you know that it has nothing to do with you, what reason do you have to judge it?

If someone is expressing hate for another then that is a projection of their hate of themselves.  They are afraid to look at this because the false belief has programmed them (see “Negative Beliefs, Part 2”) that if they look at it they are afraid it will be true - that they are indeed unworthy.  Thus by buying into the false negative beliefs, they project what they hate about themselves onto others. 

If we choose to, we can teach them (by how we live our lives) that they can love themselves and therefore not judge and hate others. 
Re. something like “art” and a person judging your art:  You have the ability to decide what is and isn’t true.  If you accept something without a judgmental charge on it you can decide what you want to incorporate and what you want to leave behind.  You can decide whether you’ve been critiquing yourself harshly by what charge comes from a person’s judgment of your art.  Relationship is there to give us a mirror, without the reflection and feedback we may be missing out on a piece of information we need to learn and expand.  Nothing happens in your life without a reason.  You get to decide what degree the judgment applies.  If you can stay in a positive state even if it is something you don’t prefer, you will get the benefit.  Always.


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